How to develop positive relationship?

 Positivity in any relationship is basically a reflection and result of what we really are. Any fake presentation to impress the partners is bound to be exposed one day and that will lead to total destruction of the relationship, not to mention positivity or negativity. 

Positive Relationship

Positive relationship is when the relationship is going on smooth and happy. Any negativity in the relationship resulting into break ups can be devastating experience for one or both the partners. It can destroy either or both the partners and therefore, if you are in a relationship, it has to be positive in all the aspects. 

To have a positive relationship, you need to be a positive person yourself. We must remember that each one of us is having an individual personality and traits of habits that may cause conflicts with others. No one else will look at things or think the way you think. But unfortunately, we all expect that everyone else should agree with us about everything we think or do in this world. 

  • We have to accept the fact that each one of us is different from the other. In a relationship, both the partners must analyse about the weaknesses and limitation of selves rather than finding faults in the other partner and try to correct the faults. We must notice and appreciate the good qualities in our partners and try to develop them into us. We are busy into criticising others instead of removing our own faults and weaknesses to make ourselves more acceptable to our partner.

  • We must be good listeners to be able to build a positive relationship. Listening patiently to what our partner has to say requires great patience and is a good quality. It makes your partner feel important to you. You have not only to listen to your partner but also have to understand what your partner means to say to you and act accordingly. So, talk less and listen more. 

  • We not only have to be physically present but must be mentally present also. You have to be alert when you are with your partner. If your body is there and your mind is elsewhere, you are committing hara-kiri. When you are in the company of your partner, fully focus on what your partner is saying or doing, and it will bring positivity to your relationship.

  • Communication is a binding agent. What you listen from your partner, you have to react as per the statement. Your feedback is important to your partner that is why he/she is telling you all these. Remaining silent when you need to speak up provides negativity and your partner may think you are not paying attention to what he/she had been saying to you. 

  • Build up your trust. Your involvement into your partner’s affairs where she/he wants you to be involved, will bring positivity into your relationship by building trust of your partner into you. Once you trust your partner, your relationship becomes stronger and more positive every day. 

  • Do not allow your cell phone to spoil your relationship. When you are with your partner, keep your cell phone away. It has spoiled many a relationships and you do not allow it to do so in your case by paying more attention to your cell phone rather than to your partner. 

We become and remain healthy if our relationship is full of positivity. Honeymooners only is a big professional help if you need one. 


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