How to build a healthy relationship?

 Relationship is not a constant affair. It has its ups and downs. It takes efforts to keep it alive. It needs more efforts to keep it healthy. 

Healthy relationship comes from people with similar mindset and having common goal. When you are honest and have free and open discussions with your partner. This leads you to make and maintain an emotional relation with your partner. You start feeling loved and accepted. 

Now you have a partner with whom you can discuss without any fear of conflict. You can keep your interests alive. And you are free to communicate without any inhibition. 

Love-how you define it: 

Falling in love is easy and may be frequent. But staying in love requires efforts, commitment, compromise, sacrifice and above all honesty. You need to work hard to keep your relationship healthy and long-lasting.

Healthy Relationship

  • You need to have some quality time with each other, that too in short intervals. You look at each other and listen to each other. That ignites your love for your partner. You enjoy each other’s company, do things together, have fun and it makes your relation healthy. 

  • You communicate openly with your partner. There is nothing to hide. It makes you positive and honest to your partner and your partner can feel that. It induces respect for you. Your communication must be open, and you are not sorry or embarrassed for anything you have done. You have a clear conscience. You should also listen to what your partner has to say to you. Good listeners are always wanted and respected. Remember, communication is a two-way traffic. 

  • Be physical. It does not mean that you should have sex every time you meet. Touch keeps you alive to each other. Touch shows your emotion, affection, and love for your partner. Just holding hands can be the world of assurance for your partner that you are there for your partner when he/she needs you. Hugging and kissing can build a chain of love between you and your partner that will remain forever. 

  • Love is a Give and Take Business. If you want a healthy relationship you have to give what your partner needs. What is important to your partner. You cannot dictate your terms all the time. You have to compromise. If you fight, it has to be respectful. Your conflicts should also be full of love. 

  • Never take your partner for granted. There has to be ups and downs in your relationship. But you should be careful of not letting out your frustrations on your partner. Your problems are not because of your partner, so do not hold him/her responsible. You have to cope up with your stress. You cannot force any solution that can hurt your partner. The changes in your life should not affect your partner. If there is a problem, find out a solution by acting as a team constructively. It will bring you closer because fighting together at the time of distress is the highest form of camaraderie. 

But even after all this if you need help from outside to keep your relationship healthy and long-lasting , never hesitate to have one.


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