Build a healthy and lasting relationship! Read more..

 It is not difficult to build up a relationship, but it is difficult to build up a healthy relationship that lasts for a long time. But it is also not that difficult if you are committed to the relationship. And you are ready to spend your time and make efforts to make the relationship healthy and to last for ever. 

Strong and Healthy Relationship

  • To build a healthy and long-lasting relationship, you will have to make compromises. You have to sacrifice many of your things to adjust the wants and needs of your partner. You have to give up things of your liking and have to adopt to things of your partner’s liking. You may have to give up some of your friends whom your partner does not like. A strong and healthy relationship will shift you from what you are and be what your partner likes. 

  • You have to be honest with your partner. You have to be open about your feelings. You have to openly and effectively communicate about things that concern you, with your partner. You cannot hide anything from her. You may think that your piece of information may bother her. But for whatever reason you may think, you cannot build up a strong and healthy  relationship with your partner if you build a wall between you and her/him and be selective in passing information to him/her. 

  • Never argue with your partner. Arguing is a type of competition where the partner arguing over some point is arguing to prove herself/himself right and the other party wrong. It is a winning and losing game and the winner always dominates the loser. This destroys the relation. Arguing to prove the other party wrong is devastating. You can discuss to know the opinion of your partner over the matter showing full respect to her/his comments. This is constructive.  

  • You have to be keenly observant. You must know that how your partner expresses love for you. You must know it and respect it. This understanding and respect will carry your relationship for years together, may be to make it a lifelong affair. 

  • Silence is golden, but not always. You may think that your comments may hurt your partner, but you never know that your remaining silent on discussions may even hurt her/him more. This may be very damaging to your relationship. If you so feel not to hurt your partner, choose your words carefully and talk. But do talk. 

  • Never monopolise your partner. Never try to own them. Give them space. Relationship does not mean to lose your identity. You need to have your space and you must respect this for your partner also. Omce you respect your partner’s space, your partner starts respecting your feelings more than ever and your relationship grows stronger and healthier. 

has a powerful influence on both mental and physical health of both the partners. It generates a positive vibration for both of them. Having a long and healthy relationship can help you make your mind steady and to have a healthy body. So please mind the minute details and respect your partner’s feelings. That’s all you need. 


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