Do you want to keep the relationship healthy? Here is how!

 What is actually a relationship? Two partners feeling love and affection for each other, isn’t it? They want to stay together and share everything in their lives with each other. 

When the relationship begins, everything in this world seems to be heavenly. But unfortunately, this feeling starts waning with time. Partners start complaining and ultimately break away. It is a very much heart-breaking period and it hurts bad. 

So, let us find out how we can avoid this break up situation:  

Healthy Relationship

  • Do we share our thoughts with each other freely? 

Communication is very important everywhere, but it is very important to maintain a healthy relationship. Communication with the partner must be open and honest. Do not ever try to be smart Alec while talking to your partner. Say about your liking and disliking openly with your partner. Never hide anything. It will make your relationship everlasting. 

  • Empathy is the base of love: 

Whenever your partner is sharing her/his feelings of insecurity or issues that scare her/him, she/he is fully confiding to you having a hundred percent trust on you. What does your partner expect from you in such situation? Empathy and only Empathy. Empathise with your partner, try best to help her and tell her you are always there at the time of her need. 

  • Appreciation makes love deeper and stronger: 

Can you ever imagine what a few words of appreciation can do to your healthy relationship? Develop a habit of appreciating your partner for anything good she does every day. Give her compliments for her qualities. Thank her when she does something good for you. It will make your partner feel happy and confident that not only you love her, but you also value her good things and habits.  

  • Be a good listener: 

Everyone thinks that he is a good listener, but he is not. Listening is an asset and active listening is priceless. Pay attention to what your partner is saying to you and try to remember the important points. Keeping a good and steady eye contact with your partner while you both are talking to each other makes the relationship stronger and healthier. 

  • Can you understand what your partner is not telling you verbally? 

Your partner may be a silent type. She may not want to bother you by telling her troubles. But can you understand her untold story without her telling you anything? Can you decipher her body language? Is she hiding anything by folding her hands, avoiding eye contacts with you, is she changing the subject, is she talking with you in a louder voice? You can sense something is wrong and find out the truth. 

  • Do you ask your partner what you want to know openly? 

Asking questions to your partner tells her about how much you trust her. Your asking questions opens a way for communication and may let your partner share things with you. You can ask question about her job, her life in future, issues that depresses her. This will bring you both closer and your relationship stronger and healthier

All these will help make your relationship very healthy. 


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