Do you want to keep the relationship healthy? Here is how!

What is actually a relationship? Two partners feeling love and affection for each other, isn’t it? They want to stay together and share everything in their lives with each other. When the relationship begins, everything in this world seems to be heavenly. But unfortunately, this feeling starts waning with time. Partners start complaining and ultimately break away. It is a very much heart-breaking period and it hurts bad. So, let us find out how we can avoid this break up situation: Do we share our thoughts with each other freely? Communication is very important everywhere, but it is very important to maintain a healthy relationship . Communication with the partner must be open and honest. Do not ever try to be smart Alec while talking to your partner. Say about your liking and disliking openly with your partner. Never hide anything. It will make your relationship everlasting. Empathy is the base of love: Whenever your partner is sharing h...