Unravelling the Different Stages of Love in Your Relationship

Thoughts of love and the partner of your dreams occupy a very large part of your life whether you have a partner or not. In effect, you are always in love because you keep thinking about it most of the time. Of course, this state of mind can vary by degrees depending on the individual but just about everybody experiences it for a certain length of time in his/her life. That's understandable because most folks perceive the success or failure of their lives on the basis of how their love lives have gone. Here is a look at where and how love begins and how it goes on to evolve through different stages. Coping with the unbridled passion of physical love This stage begins quite early in late adolescence and grows through the turbulent teens before entering the millennial stage when you actually begin to identify the partner of your dreams. At this stage, nothing but physical looks matter and that is quite normal. T...